This is beautiful. Do not wear your favorite white shirt. You will stain it. We ate a quart by ourselves in less than fifteen minutes. "Ooohhh..." he whined. "You're making me fat."
That's when I looked at the ingredient list and realized that no, I was not making him fat. His gut is his own fault. Or the cupcakes. Or... the cookies.
But not the sorbet. I wouldn't call it healthy, no, but it's not awful for you.
Here's how it's done:
(again, I substituted lime juice for the lemon juice the recipe calls for. I liked it a lot.)
1 cup of water
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 pound frozen (unsweetened) blackberries
2 tbsp lemon or lime juice
small saucepan
heatproof container
food processor/blender
ice cream maker *the joy of baking website has instructions for how to make sorbet without an ice cream maker. Pretty interesting stuff, though I haven't tried it.
1. Boil the water and sugar just until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into heatproof container and chill in the freezer/refrigerator. When it is not hot to the touch, I consider it chilled enough to work with.
2. Place frozen blackberries into blender. Add lime juice and the simple syrup you have been chilling. Blend until smooth.
3. You can either stop here to strain the seeds out, or keep the seeds in like I chose to. It's a question of personal preference.
4. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and freeze according to the directions.
5. When it is solid, you can either eat it right away or store it in a covered container in the freezer. If you do choose to store it, however, leave it in the refrigerator a good 20 minutes before serving so that it is soft enough to scoop.
This was absolutely incredible. The sorbet in the picture was a deep burgundy color, but ours turned the color of dark, almost black red wine. Gorgeous. It is so easy I think I'll be making it for the next summer dinner party I have.

Yum. Excuse Everett's face. He was in shock.

If you make any recipes from this blog, comment and let me know how it goes!
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